It's been my honour and privilege to work with more than 1000 leaders, women and men, in over 40 countries, across a myriad of industries, since 1990. My observations are that broadly speaking there are two distinct kinds of leaders in terms of primary purpose.
1) Make money and serve self.
2) Make a difference and serve others.
I work exclusively with this second group. I call them wise leaders. In the short video (3 minutes and 15 seconds) below I explore what sets them apart.
I've learned that wise leaders put people first, ensure that their processes mean it's simple for people to bring their best to their work, all in the pursuit of a purpose beyond profit.
A consequence of this work is that people feel valued, live values and deliver and exchange value.
A further consequence (and the jury is no longer out on this) is the pursuit of a purpose beyond result in higher profits.
I've begun putting a lexicon together. You'll find full definitions for people leadership, process innovation and purpose impact here.
I've also learned that for the wisest leaders personal development precedes business development, and the very best engage mentors as well as belong to peer groups.
My work with client embraces these three.
The catalyst for the wonderful work of wise leaders is candid, convivial, compassionate, conscious and compelling conversations.
Here's a post and short podcast about these.
Wise leaders are fluent in fifteen kinds of conversations. As a consequence they have stopped having meetings.
What underpins the wonderful work of wise leaders is that values are agreed behaviours and there are also agreed consequences when these values are betrayed.
Wise leaders lead by example and play fifteen roles extremely well.
I'm currently recording short videos and writing post about each of the fifteen. Watch and read so far at the Wisdom For Wise Leaders playlist. Email me to get your copy of the playbook I'm writing about these roles. It will be available in August.
Become the wise leader you want to be.
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