Friday 25 June 2021

We’re all making it up as we go along

Listen to the podcast version of this post 

Each Friday's podcasts are always under 10 minutes.

This is episode 114. 

What story, idea, insight, concept, are you yet to make up that when you act on it would change your life, and maybe the lives of others, for the better? Believe, Imagine, Dream, Begin, Create. We're all making it up as we go along.  

I’m in awe of human imagination, creativity and ingenuity.

Quantum physicists tell is that we live in a world of infinite possibility.

I remind myself of this daily. And the fact for me that we are only limited by our imagination.

When I was a small boy I was an only child until my brother came along when I was almost five. I had an imaginary friend I called Jack who did everything with me. My mother used to tell people “it’s as if Jack is a real person.” For me he was.

I have a family member who believes that fairies came to her after a bad car accident that almost took her life and encouraged her to live. I am in no doubt whatsoever that this is a real experience for her.

A friend believes angels protect him whenever required. He has names for his angels whom he refers to as his best  friends. I am in no doubt whatsoever that these angels are real for my friend.

All beliefs require a faith in something we can’t prove.

People in service to self make up stories and create rules that benefit them and others like them.

We all make up stories and rules in service to self as well as in service to others.

We all have stories inside our heads that we made up based on our beliefs and perceptions about what happened in the past, what might happen in the present and in the future.

Whatever you believe in your heart do not let anyone persuade you otherwise. Be open though to changing what’s inside your head.

We are all masters of our own destiny to the degree of the things we have control over.

We decide and are accountable for our intentions, feelings, thoughts, actions, behaviours. We are not accountable for other people’s intentions, feelings, thoughts, actions, behaviours. We can influence them.

We can choose our response to each moment. As Viktor Frankl so wonderfully reminded us in doing so lies our growth and our freedom.

He said  

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. 
In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Shared beliefs like shared values behaviours are powerful because wanting to belong with others of like heart and mind is in our DNA.

I’ve studied most of the world’s religions and mythologies in great detail. Each contain wonderful stories. There are similarities and truth in them all. In my view we made them all up. 

I respect whatever you have faith in. I would question all of the rules you have though. For me I know that the moment I began to believe God was a name of many that we give the force inside all living things and not some external being, my life changed for the better. I began from that moment to set my own rules, and to co-create rules with others that mean living in harmony with one another.

We are all making it up as we go along. It’s human nature.

What story, idea, insight, concept, could you make up that when you act on it would change your life, and maybe the lives of others, for the better?

What are your dreams telling you? I’ve noted in my research that many of the great inventions were preceded by a dream of the inventor.

Words attributed to the great German philosopher Goethe, yet probably not his words, might inspire you as they inspire me.

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

What's your big dream?
When will you act on it?

Should you love some help please contact me.

Become the wise leader you want to be.


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