Wednesday 19 June 2019

Introducing meetings that actually matter

Meetings waste time, energy and money every day in most workplaces and organisations in general.

The reasons are too numerous to list!

They centre around lack of purpose (reason), poor preparation and/or follow-through, and the out of control egos of the people supposed to be leading them, and/or their desire to control people.

The resulting demotivation, dehumanisation and disruption affect the well-being of people and have far reaching effects on society.

There is no number large enough to put on the human, planet and operating cost of poor meetings.

This is partly why since 1991 I’ve been on a mission to change all of the above.

I’m grateful to my clients from whom and with I have designed meaningful meetings that really work.

I've started writing an ebook for you based on real world experience called 'Meetings That Actually Matter'.

In the ebook I'm exploring 7 meetings that I believe matter the most:

1. Value delivery.
2. Everyday Innovation (Sparkenation Conversations).
3. Learning and Development.
4. Sparkenators, 21st century managers and culture champions.
5. After-action-reviews.
6. Integration of new perceptions with what is already working.
7. 1:1 check-ins (accountability, appreciation, shared aspirations).

In this Friday's blog post and podcast I'll be expanding on value delivery.

On the subsequent 6 Friday's I will be posting and podcasting on the other 6.

I'll publish the ebook in early August 2019.

On the 1st July I'm hosting a Sparkenation Conversation online. Learn more and register from here.

If you'd like to contribute to the ebook (your contribution will be appropriately acknowledged) please email me with a paragraph about how you believe you can contribute.

Be remarkable.

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