Wednesday 26 August 2020

Doing work that is Meaningful For You and Highly Valuable For Others

In the past eight years I’ve been very focused on doing work that is meaningful for me and highly valued by the people I work with. These two I believe are key for all of us to thriving in the new world of work.

My quest began because I’ve never thought much of the idea that 'what gets measured gets done'. I’m much more aligned with the William Bruce Cameron insight:

“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.”

I highly recommend forgetting about measuring stuff and just focus on doing work that you find meaningful and that is also highly valuable for the right people for you. I feel this is front and centre in the new world of work which looks like this:

There are many ways to discover what kind of work is meaningful to you.

In my Heart-Leadership book being published in November 2020 I explore creating a Career and Life Calling Card as one way to find out what is meaningful to you. I draw heavily on the works of Joseph Campbell, Ken Robinson, Steven Farber, Daniel Pink, and Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles for their work in the area of vocation/work/mission/purpose. 

Sadly Ken passed away a few days ago. This video demonstrates why he will be sadly missed yet never forgotten.

In Heart-Leadership I recommend creating a one-page visual Career and Life Calling Card where you would feature your answers the following questions:

Can Do

What do I know?
What are my key skills?
What is my real expertise?
How do I practice what I know?

Will do

What is my attitude to living?
What am I really committed to?
How can I be more disciplined in taking action?
How I am really different from others who do what I do?

Love to do

My purpose in life is?
I am passionate about?
I find Joy in?
My art is?
My essence is?

People who love what I do

How do I 
Serve others?
Help people achieve what is important to them?
Solve people’s problems?
Offer solutions to people’s challenges?
Exchange value with other people?
Deliver value to other people?

Be remarkable.

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