Thursday 20 June 2013

The simplest and most rewarding way to turn your brand into a lovemark

Lovemarks - the future beyond brands by worldwide CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi Kevin Roberts is one of my favourite books. It makes the list of my top 21 must read business books. 

Lovemarks are described on the website as
“Lovemarks are the future beyond brands. They deliver beyond your expectations of great performance. Lovemarks reach your heart as well as your mind, creating an intimate, emotional connection that you just can’t live without. Ever.”

One of the keys to turning your brand into a lovemark is being remarkable at talent leadership and management which I overview below

In each of the 5 areas mentioned above how remarkable are you?

The folks at Spark and Hatch produced the following diagram about lovemarks

I believe that deep emotional connections with your target clients/customers begins with deep emotional connections with your employees.

Deep emotional connections with your people will lead to your people doing what your competitors people aren’t or doing what others do, just better, differently or more uniquely.

“Conspicuously extraordinary” (remarkable) talent leadership and management is where deep emotional connection with your employees starts.

Not yet remarkable? I can help.  I have devoted just over half of my life to understanding how leaders make deep emotional connections with employees and employees with each other.  It’s usually complex.  I know how to make it simple.

The number one role of leadership is to help other people discover and enhance their unique talents/gifts and to bring them to their work every day.

One challenge we face is that leading is often lonely.

In an excellent book What's The Future of Business - changing the way businesses create experiences Brian Solis says "Community is much more than being a part of something, it's about doing something together that makes being part of something matter."

I am about such community, doing stuff with like-hearted and minded people that enhances human life.

Be the difference you want to see in the world. 

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