I'm not a mathematician. I do place a lot of value in numbers.
I believe 7's significant, 5's foundational, and 3's a great rule. Your use of the number 1 however is where I see the most value.
7 is significant
I'm not aware of any team that is highly successful where there is an absence of shared-view in what I call the seven areas of significance.
The seven are:
Reality, Possibility, Purpose, Strategy, Execution, Progress, and Culture.
At this link are videos and podcasts that I have created on each of the seven areas. They are all on the same web page where there is also a simple diagnostic tool that will help you to see where you’re at and where you can go.
5 is foundational
I learned from my Grandfather that when we focus on the fertile ground, plough it, seed it, and nurture it, a harvest is the outcome. My Grandfather taught me that most people want the harvest and yet are not prepared to do the work. It takes discipline to focus on the processes and detach from the outcome. I believe this is foundational to success in everything.
Here's a short online course I’ve created for you that will help you to apply the law of the farm in your own best way.
3 is a great rule
I'm sure you're familiar with many famous 3's. The theory is we can easily remember 3. And it works in practice! I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the 'Rule of Three' is pervasive everywhere in our society. Think stories, fairy tales and myths, and the lines from history that inspire us
“Friends, Romans, Countrymen”
“Blood, sweat and tears”
“The good, the bad and the ugly”
are just 3 of zillions of examples. Of course today we’re using the language BC (before corona) DC (during corona) and AC (after corona).
We know that we humans can last 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food.
I know in my business I host events, provide online course and provide mentoring with heart for leaders with heart. I do other things. These 3 however are where my gifts (talents) lie and where I provide the most value to my clients.
The power of one
Above all for me one matters most.
In all work with my clients I am helping them to focus on one action at a time through embracing the true science of quantum leaps, I.e. one small yet significant shift at a time.
When I first started my professional practice 30 years ago I believed simplicity without losing the profound was key to the success of my clients and to my own success and so I pioneered many ways to do this. I continue to evolve the following:
One quantum leap at a time momentum.
One sentence strategy.
One page role clarity.
One page performance development/strategy execution plans.
One focus conversations.
One purpose meetings.
One message story-sharing.
One module at a time learning.
One page agreements.
One shift at a time change initiatives.
One great idea at a time innovation.
I also work with one word as my theme for a year. This year it's
Learn more about using three words and one word here.
What numbers count for you?
What words have the most meaning for you?
Do Your Work.
Be remarkable.
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