This post and podcast follows on from last Wednesday's 'Our four greatest teachers' post and video.
Today’s content is drawn from my Heart-Leadership book.
Heart-Leadership is an alternative to people, change and performance management. Today my focus is on peer groups.
Listen to the podcast version of this post
Are you a member of a peer group, a group of colleagues within your organisation, outside your organisation, or maybe a combination of the these?
If you answered yes then it's likely that you are a wise person who is making the best contribution you can make to all the places that you belong to.
I’ve been engaged in master-mind groups for over 30 years. The first was a bunch of blokes who met weekly to explore what it really meant to be great husband’s and father’s as well as true friends. We’re called ourselves ‘The JourneyMen' and were referenced by Steve Biddulph in one of his early books on Manhood. There was nothing much happening for men in those days and domestic violence and other matters were just starting to be discussed more openly.
I’m in no doubt that for the small group of us we all became better people because of our regular candid conversations (often around the pot belly stove) in Philip’s shed.
Since then I’ve been a member of many groups, led quite a few, and presented to over 100 around the world in the leadership peer-group space.
The original idea put forward by Napoleon Hill in his famous book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ still holds true: “The co-ordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definitive purpose, in the spirit of harmony.
No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind {the master mind].”
What’s emerged in more recent times is that people want to gather to not just engage with our minds, we want to engage in our hearts too.
We want to do this work with people we trust, who believe in us and appreciate us, yet also challenge us.
We want to belong to places where we can be candid.
We want to share our dreams. Sure we want considered responses to our requests, mostly we want to share what is in our hearts.
Where do you belong?
The most remarkable leaders I know are in the habit of regularly stepping off the field of play to work on yourself and on your business.
Because of the wonders of technology the majesty of Heart-Leadership groups can now happen online where we can tap into the wisdom of peers operating in non-competitive businesses and from different countries and cultures.
I regard having a mentor/s and belonging to a master-mind group/s as the top two essentials for personal and professional growth.
One of the reasons that I host online conversations every month is because for the regulars they are a form of Heart-Leadership group.
Of course the concept of a peer groups shifts to a whole new level when we consider them in the light of heart, head and hands and in that order.
There is nothing quite like belonging to groups of peers where the focus is on hearing our hearts first, then asking heads, and then being with one another/working with one another as we engage our hands.
Performance Possibility Peers as with Performance Possibility Partners are special kinds of friends.
“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”
Who will you become?
What will you do next?
Do Your Work.
Be remarkable.
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